Even Amanda Seyfried agrees “Jennifer’s Body” deserved better marketing. Seyfried, who starred as Needy Lesnicki in Karyn ...
The actress also said that a sequel is in the works, and she's ready to sign on whenever Diablo Cody has finished the script.
Hollywood actor Amanda Seyfried says the 2009 movie Jennifer’s Body was perfect but marketing team “cheapened” it ...
Amanda Seyfried believes marketing ruined the "perfect movie" 'Jennifer's Body and she can't wait to make a sequel.
Amanda Seyfried has nothing but good things to say about Jennifer's Body — unless you're talking about how the film was ...
In a recent GQ interview, Seyfried broke down some of her “iconic characters,” including Anita "Needy" Lesnicki, which she portrayed in Jennifer’s Body. The childhood best friend of the titular ...
Amanda Seyfried has recently explained how bad marketing impacted Jennifer’s Body movie.Speaking to GQ magazine in a video ...
With the growing possibility of a sequel to the 2009 film, the Oscar nominee slammed the marketing team after they “cheapened ...
Amanda Seyfried describes 'Jennifer's Body' as a perfect film whose reception was marred by poor marketing. Despite a ...
The film starred Seyfried as Needy, a nerdy character whose best friend is Megan Fox ‘s Jennifer, who becomes possessed by a ...
"The marketing team cheapened it, like it was just, you know, a romp," Seyfried said in a video for GQ. "A gory romp. I think ...
Mean Girls’ star criticised promotional campaign for ‘cheapening’ the cult 2009 film by targeting male audiences with sexualised images of her co-star, Megan Fox ...