Koala and Curlew are unrelated and possibly pregnant females that have become traveling companions, which is unusual for right whales.
In 2020 the Center and allies filed a rulemaking petition seeking additional ship-speed limits along the Atlantic coast to protect critically North Atlantic right whales. This was shortly after a baby ...
Two pairs of female North American right whales and calves were spotted near ... It’s Caterpillar’s first baby and the second for Blackheart, who last gave birth 12 years ago, the FWC said.
NASSAU COUNTY, FLORIDA, Fla. — The right whale "Grand Teton" was seen with a newborn calf off Amelia Island on Thursday. North Atlantic right whales are considered endangered. This is Grand ...
Jan. 2 (UPI) --Wildlife officials in Florida said a group of endangered right whales made a rare appearance off the coast of Ponte Bedra Beach, and they included two new calves. The Florida Fish ...
Expecting mothers travel from northern feeding grounds to this area to give birth. These waters are designated by the National Marine Fisheries Service as a right whale critical habitat.
Biologists from the New England Aquarium say 20 percent of all the right whales in the world are together, right now, off the ...
Two more North Atlantic right whale calves have been sighted off the coast of the southeastern U.S., bringing the total number of calves so far this calving sea ...