Documents have revealed WA's Water Corporation had serious concerns over what might happen should Alcoa's bauxite operation ... government" and deferred mining activity in the reservoir protection ...
9News Perth Those documents also show Water Corporation ejected itself from any decision-making capacity on committees charged with assessing Alcoa’s bauxite strip-mining activities. They also ...
But the frenetic pace of digging has led to a public outcry with many complaining of water contamination and destruction of the environment. Late last year, bauxite mining was blamed for turning ...
KUANTAN: A non-governmental organisation campaigning against bauxite mining pollution is asking for an extension to the public display of the environmental impact assessment (EIA) report on a ...
The US mining giant has long faced accusations it's putting water safety at risk, and was not doing enough to restore the jarrah forest it has cleared at its bauxite mine sites. Over years ...