The brand is extending its “Best Coke Ever?” platform with an effort spanning TV, out-of-home, experiential and a Coke Zero Sugar Thirsty Fan Cam.
Coke Zero vs. Pepsi Zero: Both sodas want your drink ... people chose Pepsi over Coca-Cola in blind taste tests. The ’70s ad campaign was a hit, because who doesn’t love a good taste test?
To receive full access to Campaign's content including: Unrestricted access to all The Information and The Knowledge content Access to Campaign's in-depth features and coveted reports including ...
If you like your Coke Zero exactly the way it is now, it might be time to start stockpiling it. Coca-Cola announced plans to stop selling Coke Zero in the US in August, replacing it with a ...
While Coke Zero Sugar saw a sales bump by very clearly advertising that it doesn't contain sugar, many customers remain suspicious of Diet Coke's use of artificial ingredients. However ...