The month after debuting Thanos & Drax in Iron Man & the same month his Captain Marvel saga launched, Where Monsters Dwell ...
Kirby’s artwork brought the Marvel Universe and its cosmic threats and heroes into focus like no other. His storytelling skills are legendary, and his cover artwork let him display and explore ...
Kirby is known for his work at Marvel, where he created or co-created many major characters including Captain America, the ...
Jack Kirby the legendary comic book artist is finally getting the documentary he deserves. Kirbyvision is a feature-length ...
Kirby’s tales are as universal and human as they are mythic and cosmic in their scope,” notes the production team. “Kirby’s creations and his subsequent struggles have made him a symbol of ...
Jack Kirby takes centre stage in Kirbyvision, a definitive documentary that aims to tell the story of his life, work, and ...
Art by Jack Kirby - Courtesy of the Rosalind Kirby Family Trust/Photo: Susan Skaar “Kirbyvision,” a definitive feature documentary about legendary comic book artist and creator Jack Kirby, is ...