President Dwight Eisenhower, another Texan ... a move that led the NAACP to call it a "token" action. But it was Johnson, elevated to the presidency by the assassination of Kennedy, who turbocharged ...
Dwight Eisenhower, Lyndon Johnson, and Ronald Reagan. Together they personify most sharply the great American contention of the past 90 years between those who favor ever greater federal power and ...
Kennedy was killed and Lyndon Johnson became the 36th president ... who stood in the way years earlier of Dwight Eisenhower’s plans to cut off assistance to Israel. He knew few Jews growing ...
For Lyndon Johnson’s 200 million countrymen ... (By C.Q.’s reckoning, Dwight Eisenhower batted 46%, John F. Kennedy only 39%.) But in 1967, Johnson was defeated on his tax-surcharge, civil ...
This week in 1964, former President Dwight D. Eisenhower rallied for GOP candidates ... voters overwhelmingly supported ...
Dwight Eisenhower; was accelerated by two Democrats, John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson; and concluded with another Republican, Richard Nixon. Although some opposed the tremendous outlay of taxpayer ...
Debutantes throughout the past six decades have included Patricia Nixon and Julie Nixon Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson's granddaughter Lucinda Robb, two of Dwight D. Eisenhower's granddaughters ...
Lyndon Johnson did not initiate American involvement in Vietnam. Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy laid the groundwork for U.S. intervention. But the Vietnam War would come to be seen as Johnson's war.