SOUTH CHINA SEA  –  The Armed Forces of the Philippines, the Japan Maritime Self Defense Force and the United States Navy, ...
Regional military attaches say China has gradually stepped up deployments of H-6 bombers into the South China Sea as its ...
China has, since the 1970s, employed what Lt. Colonel Joel N Rea called, a layered "cabbage strategy", using the People's Armed Forces Maritime Militia (PAFMM), the China Coast Guard and the outermost ...
The Philippines seeks to broaden its Squad alliance by inviting India and South Korea to join existing members Australia, ...
MANILA—Japan and the Philippines have agreed to bolster trilateral cooperation with the United States on ... inside the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone. Iwaya expressed “serious ...
MANILA--The United States deployed a reconnaissance ... said the joint patrol was conducted in the Philippines' exclusive economic zone by allies and partners to “uphold the right to freedom ...
As a preliminary matter, it can be acknowledged that all ships, including warships, enjoy the right of innocent passage through the maritime spaces of third states, as a derivative of the ancient ...
Marine scientific research conducted without the consent of a coastal state within its EEZ violates Article 246, Paragraph 2 of the United ... within the exclusive economic zone of Japan without ...