Defense of FOSS licensing rests on the shoulders of a guy in Virginia At some point in the months ahead, the United States ...
and the modified work is also licensed under the GNU General Public License.
The new version of the GNU software license, which will be nailed down during a two-year modification process, will be called GPLv3. A first stab at the new license, dubbed a discussion draft ...
FOSS bods file amicus brief in hope of preserving core GNU tenet of freedom forever The Free Software Foundation (FSF) on ...
Open-Source faces existential crisis Database company Neo4j is attempting to convince the US legal system that "open source" ...
The AGPL open source license is at issue in the legal dispute between two database developers. The FSF has now intervened in ...
A GNU license for developers who make their software available to users on network servers. The Affero GPL includes a provision that enables developers to download the source code. It was created ...