Ramadan and its official end falls close to another Abrahamic religion's end of season Lent, and with it Good Friday and ...
The Paschal Triduum begins with the Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper on the evening of Holy Thursday. There is a degree of ...
Easter is approaching. And with it comes several Christian holidays to observe. What to know about Good Friday, Maundy ...
It is also common practice in the Catholic church to abstain from eating meat on Fridays during the Lenten season. Good ...
Most believers consider abstinence and fasting as helpful to their faith and as acts similar to prayer, survey finds ...
By Jenna Ebener A reflection I have been continuing to ponder the meaning of Holy Week. I recently read an ...Read More ...
Cardinal Gugerotti pointed out that this year the collection has become an 'essential resource,' especially after the ...
The tradition of only eating fish on Good Friday comes from a Catholic rule of not consuming the meat of warm-blooded animals on Fridays. When this rule was decreed by the Catholic Church, many opted ...
As we head into the end of March, you may be anticipating the arrival of Easter. But it won't be here for several more weeks.
The tradition of only eating fish on Good Friday comes from a Catholic rule of not consuming the meat of warm-blooded animals ...