It is estimated that about 316,000 western gorillas are left living in the wild. Western lowland gorillas can be further divided into two subspecies, discussed below. One of the two threatened ...
We were both in a forest on Mount Visoke in Rwanda, where I have been studying gorillas in the wild. The face was familiar, not only by its features but by its impish expression; it belonged to ...
Gorillas are the biggest of all primates. Male gorillas, called silverbacks because of the silver hair on their backs, can weigh up to 200 kilograms (440 pounds) and stand over 1.8 metres (6 feet) ...
The tangled vines hide the forest's many dangers: poachers, rebels, and herds of wild elephants. After a few hours, a path of trampled brush leads to a clearing where a group of mountain gorillas ...
People have been pushing into the mountain gorilla’s forests in central Africa for decades – now there are only about 1000 of these splendid beasts in the wild. Mountain gorillas generally live in ...
Lea: Tell us briefly how gorillas live and what they're like in the wild. Chris Johnston They're very much like us. They live in family groups. They kind of worry about the same things.
I was told that this is the normal behavior of gorillas in the wild, which spend most of their time in trees. I was able to meet 17 gorillas in all. The more I observed them, the more I wanted to ...
A new survey finds that populations of forest elephants, lowland gorillas and chimpanzees have remained relatively stable in a large landscape in southeastern Cameroon. In some cases, populations ...