Sharps cannot be trash disposed, even if clean. They must be placed in puncture-proof, sealed containers (no plastic or autoclave bags) and tagged for hazardous material/waste pickup. Due to their ...
juice containers, mason jars, and soft cartons or plastic trash bags for sharps. Generators are required to provide appropriate spill-prevention measures, such as secondary containment devices, and to ...
Household type trash that goes into the waste ... sharps containers that have a lid and are leak proof and puncture proof. Sharps pickups are coordinated every 90 days. Broken glass that is not ...
The following items (whether contaminated with hazardous waste or not) are considered sharps and must be disposed in punctured-proof containers and managed as sharps waste. Needles and syringes ...
Western Michigan University's Environmental Health and Safety will provide pick up and containers for hazardous waste disposal that is generated from university-related activities. Please call (269) ...
The biohazard waste sharps containers can be obtained from the Central Chemistry Store (SP-132.02) for Loyola Campus or EHS for SGW Campus. For other biohazard waste containers, please contact EHS at ...
RIT generates regulated medical waste at various locations across campus. Much like hazardous waste ... and shall be maintained in a sanitary condition. Containers for discarded sharps shall be rigid, ...