This light, flourless cake has a not-too-sweet flavor and a wonderful ... Evenly coat the bottom and side with matzoh meal, tapping out any excess. In a food processor, pulse the almonds with ...
This Italian Cream Cake is so good... it's better than some bakery cakes we've had. The cake is so moist it almost falls ...
This delicious pear cake is an Italian classic and is lovely with a cuppa or served with cream as a dessert. Any ripe but firm pears will work. Grease and line the base of a 20cm/8in springform ...
There seem to be many steps here. This conceals the fact that this Christmas dessert is ludicrously, dazzlingly easy to make. It doesn’t require cooking or technical brilliance: it is merely an ...
Maybe you've already made these individual Italian Easter bread rings? If you've ever had a panettone or pandoro for ...