By Bobby Bascomb Nearly all of Antarctica’s iconic wildlife, from penguins to seals and whales, depend on krill, tiny ...
Bob Brown Foundation is calling for Salmon Tasmania to publicly disclose how many salmon are dying in its factory farms. They ...
The international conservation organisation takes direct action to protect marine wildlife, and the ship’s crew were on a campaign to highlight the environmental destruction of krill fishing in ...
Ukrainian vessels harvested 19,980 tonnes of valuable Antarctic bioresources, a 54% increase compared to 2023 (12,945 tonnes) ...
Krill live in all the world's oceans, but mostly in the Antarctic. There may be up to 500 million tonnes of krill out there The overwhelming majority of krill companies are to stop fishing in vast ...
China has sent its ocean-going fishing vessels Kai li and An Xin Hai to the Antarctic for the 2010 krill fishing season. During a 23 day exploratory fishing they caught 2.000 tons of krill ...
inviting applications from scientific researchers who can aid in determining the impact of the krill fishing industry on the Antarctic marine ecosystem. Such research will serve to ensure ...
“As we get less sea ice, we probably get less Antarctic krill.” At the same time, less ice is making it easier for commercial fishing vessels to catch krill closer to shore where millions of ...
Both fish-oil pills and krill-oil supplements supply the healthful omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA. But there are differences. Krill oil comes from small crustaceans, not fatty fish, and typically ...
The new vessel, the fourth for Aker QRILL, will help ensure a continued, sustainable supply of feed and raw materials from Antarctic krill, the world’s largest single-species biomass. The vessel will ...
Krill are also sought after by humans, who scoop them up using massive fishing boats, potentially putting whales in danger, scientists warn. The fishing boats and whales are “going after the ...