would reduce the amount of ocean plastic pollution by less than 1%. Despite that, it could be that we still have a big impact ...
Can plastic cause brain damage in seabirds? Research shows plastic pollution is harming their liver, kidneys, and even memory ...
Plastic waste is increasingly causing problems for fishers. Fishnets bring up bottles, propellers get tangled in bags, water ...
Now the same team, along with their colleagues, have found signs of dementia-like brain damage, kidney and liver dysfunction, ...
The researchers will immerse plastic films in freshwater samples (taken from a canal in Lowell) and expose them to ...
A new study finds that microplastic pollution reduces plant photosynthesis, threatening global food security and worsening ...
By coring the seabed at 850 m water depth in Disko Bay off Greenland's west coast, researchers from the University of ...
On average, these little particles could reduce photosynthesis in plants and algae by up to 12 percent, according to the ...
Biologging uses animal sensors to track ocean changes, helping scientists address climate, pollution, and conservation.
From microplastics washing up on once-pristine beaches to discarded fishing gear entangling marine animals, the impact on ...
Pollution by marine litter of anthropogenic origin—that comes from human activity—is currently one of the biggest ...
Conservationists picked up hundreds of thousands of pieces of rubbish from British beaches last year, according to a charity.