Residents vented their frustration with the Trump administration’s recent actions to overhaul the federal government Tuesday ...
We are here to try to tell the stories of what will happen to Colorado if we let Donald Trump and the Republican's agenda ...
I have been told that Medicare does not cover drugs when you are in an emergency room. My mother went in the hospital from ...
The 60-year-old Medicaid system, signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965, ensures that individuals have access ...
More than 400,000 Coloradans are at risk of losing their health coverage if a Republican bill in Congress is passed, ...
Experts say Medicaid cuts would drive more Alaskans to emergency care, increase healthcare costs for all, and could harm the ...
Medicaid — the federal-state program that provides health care to almost 1.5 million Kentuckians — is on the chopping block ...
Part B covers medical care that you receive in a hospital outpatient setting such as an ER, outpatient surgery center or pain ...