To help turn back the hands of time on all this sedentary behavior, I’m always looking for quick stretching workouts I can fit into my day—which is how I came across yoga instructor Sarah Beth’s ...
Your upper and middle back area runs from the base of your neck to the bottom of your rib cage. Many issues can cause pain in this area, such as overuse, poor posture, or a pinched nerve.
Isometric exercises strengthen muscles without moving joints a lot. To do this, sit upright, place your palm against your forehead, and gently push while resisting the motion. This engages the ...
Editor’s note: Dana Santas, known as the “Mobility Maker,” is a certified strength and conditioning specialist and mind-body ...
Here are five neck stretches to relieve daily tension. The side neck stretch targets the muscles along the sides of your neck ...
The average American spends seven hours per day looking at a screen; for agents, that number can be even higher. Some ...
Madness approaches, athletes experiencing neck or shoulder pain are being urged to consider the possibility of thoracic ...
I’m always looking for quick stretching workouts I can fit into my day—which is how I came across yoga instructor Sarah Beth’s 10-minute stretch for neck, shoulder, and upper back stiffness.
When the deep stabilizing muscles of the shoulder, such as the ... trapezius (located at the side of the neck and top of the back) and pectoralis major (upper chest) tend to take over.