WAYNE, NJ — National Farmers Market Week is from Aug. 4-10, so it's a perfect opportunity (if you needed another reason) to stop by the Wayne Summer Farmers Market this weekend. It looks like ...
It’s National Farmers Market Week through Aug. 7. The Hutchinson Farmers Market is celebrating with a vegetable scavenger hunt for kids 2:30-5:30 p.m. today (Wednesday, Aug. 4). Feel lucky?
There’s something about going to a farmers market and picking out fresh delicious vegetables and fruits to enjoy, and there’s no better time to do that than this week for National Farmers ...
The annual "National Ag Week" in the US seeks to "raise awareness about the importance of agriculture in everyday life".
Consumers can appreciate the far-reaching impact of those producing the nation’s food, fuel and fiber any day of the year, according to the Virginia Farm Bureau.