Right whales were hunted for oil, meat, and apparel materials — for corset stays, umbrella ribs, and buggy whips — until the early 20th century. Once abundant, the North Pacific right whale is now the ...
A whale of a tale, indeed. On May 24, scientists were shocked and excited to spot a North Pacific right whale — one of the rarest whale species in the world — off the coast of Marin County ...
Northern Atlantic right whales primarily are found in Atlantic coastal waters on the continental shelf. Sightings of North Pacific right whales have been reported as far south as central Baja ...
This mass migration toward the relatively narrow Bering Strait could lead to more ship collisions and gear entanglements for the extremely rare and critically endangered eastern population of North ...
The proposed changes, which they argued could hurt the fishing and boating industries and other related businesses.
Two more North Atlantic right whale calves have been sighted off the coast of the southeastern U.S., bringing the total number of calves so far this calving sea ...
Koala and Curlew are unrelated and possibly pregnant females that have become traveling companions, which is unusual for right whales.
And although all the creatures inside it play a special role in the ecosystem's health, the North Pacific gray whale is particularly integral. They are bottom-feeders, creating mud plumes during ...
Right whales were hunted for oil, meat, and apparel materials — for corset stays, umbrella ribs, and buggy whips — until the early 20th century. Once abundant, the North Pacific right whale is now the ...
Sightings of North Pacific right whales are exceedingly rare, but the animals are likely to have been moving north along with the zooplankton, according to Wright's modeling analysis of ...
An artist’s conception of what a North Pacific Right Whale (Eubalaena_japonica) looks like. With only 30 estimated remaining animals in the eastern Pacific population, photos are hard to come by.