When his school board raised the prospect of banning cell phones, Superintendent Dan Taormina sunk in his seat. “I did not ...
Yondr makes a locking pouch that for years has been used at entertainment events to sequester cellphones and now is being ...
As New York lawmakers debate implementing a “bell to bell” cell phone ban in schools, some campuses have already embraced the ...
More states are moving to ban or restrict cellphones in school, a trend that continues to win bipartisan support.
As school districts grapple with how best to limit students' smartphone use on campus, NMUSD undertook a pilot program to try ...
High school students in Manchester will now have to put their cell phones in pouches during the school day. In an email to families, school officials say they've seen a considerable number of ...
Almost 85% of Park City High School students say cellphone use during class is not a problem while 85% of staff and teachers ...
The same type of pouches that concert or comedy show guests are required to store their phones in, are being tested as a way to curb digital device use in Harnett County Schools. The district is ...
Manchester High School tightens enforcement of cellphone restrictions and Yondr pouch usage after the number of incidents requiring staff responses increased.
While a new policy has not been set, Friendswood ISD officials are inching closer toward an “away for the day” cellphone ...