With strict reporting rules in place, the EU is monitoring the impact of these measures and considering further action to ...
According to reports, Theresa May is set to announce that the plastic bag charge is to be doubled to 10p and extended to all shops. The new carrier bag charge turned ugly this week after security ...
Plastic carrier bags account for much less than 10 percent of the total. Japan is the world’s second-largest consumer of single-use plastic products on a per capita basis. Greater efforts are ...
Plastic bags start out as fossil fuels and end up as deadly waste in landfills and the ocean. Birds often mistake shredded plastic bags for food, filling their stomachs with toxic debris. For hungry ...
When shopping, choose a reusable bag to carry your items, instead of disposable bags. This includes avoiding paper and plastic carrier bags, both of which have limited use before needing to be thrown ...
In Wales people now pay for every plastic carrier bag. This has resulted in an 80% reduction of the number of plastic carrier bags used. In March 2020 the Welsh Government announced that they ...
Such items include disposable cutlery, plastic straws, thin plastic carrier bags, drink stirrers and crisp packets. Because many of these items are sold or distributed at “on-the-go” venues or events, ...
Carrier bags are collected by some supermarkets and recycled into low-grade uses such as bin bags. Not generally collected from households for recycling. However, mixed plastic recycling is expected ...