On January 16, Rena Grossman @renagrossman shared a series of adorable moments between her dad and tabby cat called Winston, who has completely won the man over. The video showcases Winston ...
Although his pose looks rather startling at first, it's surprisingly sweet to see this resilient tabby cat making the best of his situation. Aww—poor guy! This gray cat may no longer have the ...
Greg Kalkwarf poses with his daughter, Teagan, and their cat, Piper, a 1-year-old tabby cat that Teagan is responsible for caring for. Piper won The Wichita Eagle’s cutest cat contest ...
an orange tabby adopted from Rancho Coastal Humane Society, has earned the title of Newsweek’s first-ever “Pet of the Year” for 2024. Kathleen Kastner and her famous cat Noah. (Photo by Wade ...