Clink. CLANK. Kaboom! Sitting in traffic at the corner of Bristol and 17th, you hear what sounds like a power drill in a ...
In 2016, the Pueblo of Santa Ana paid more than $30 million to buy back some of their own ancestral lands, Tamaya Kwii Kee Nee Puu. In an effort that unites elders and young people, traditional ...
Bowers will offer free general admission for the regionwide event, giving visitors a chance to view its featured exhibition, "The Eternal Garden." ...
Perez is a well-known local artist, born and raised in Santa Ana where he has a studio space ... often hand-drawn fliers of rave or ditch party culture, where Betty Rubble might have pinwheel ...
LibroMobile — a bookstore in Santa Ana commonly referred to as a community gem that has become a hub for arts and culture — is at risk of shutting down, a victim of changing consumer habits ...
The Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD) has agreed to a settlement with multiple Jewish organizations in which the district will suspend its ethnic studies courses until they’ve received ...
He was re-elected in November. He is most proud, he said, of getting four parks built in his district, celebrating Santa Ana’s rich history and culture, as well as advocating for investment in ...