Now, electronics is on the verge of a revolution as the semiconductor industry’s big players start picking up the low-power spintronics technology — and just in time, as Tetsuo Endoh ...
"Spintronics" is a new field of electronics, in which both the electric nature (charge) and magnetic nature (spin) of electrons are utilized to create novel electronic devices. The magnetoresistance ...
To meet society's insatiable need for electronic speed, physicists have been pushing the burgeoning field of spintronics. Traditional electronics use the charge of electrons to encode, store and ...
Spintronics is the use of a fundamental property of particles known as spin for information processing. In many ways, spintronics is analogous to electronics, which instead uses the electrical ...
This finding could open a breadth of new quantum device platforms for harnessing emergent topological states for novel chiral nano-spintronics and fault-tolerant quantum computing. Entitled ...
The Ohno Semiconductor Spintronics project is aimed at understanding how to utilize the spin degree of freedom in semiconductors while integrating materials and device science and technology. One of ...
A 2022 paper published in Physical Review X by [Libor Šmejkal] and colleagues details a range of potential applications (section IV), which includes spintronics. Specific applications here ...
This change in resistance, known as giant magnetoresistance (GMR), forms the basis for various applications in spintronics and data storage. Understanding Spin Valves: This diagram illustrates the two ...