Ainsworth asked. "Can we conclude that filgotinib, as is the case for tofacitinib [Xeljanz], works for ulcerative colitis but not for Crohn's disease?" The fact that upadacitinib proved effective ...
Upadacitinib induction therapy provided steroid-free clinical remission in over half of the patients with refractory Crohn's disease. Additionally, two thirds of the patients experienced a ...
If approved, upadacitinib would be the first and only ... as observed in a large randomised study of tofacitinib (another JAK inhibitor), RINVOQ should only be used in these patients if no ...
If approved, upadacitinib would be the first and only oral advanced ... as observed in a large randomised study of tofacitinib (another JAK inhibitor), RINVOQ should only be used in these patients if ...
The positive opinion is based on results from the pivotal Phase 3 SELECT-GCA trial that evaluated the efficacy and safety of upadacitinib in adults with giant cell arteritis (GCA)1The primary ...