Bane, an imposing terrorist, attacks Gotham City and disrupts its eight-year-long period of peace. This forces Bruce Wayne to come out of hiding and don the cape and cowl of Batman again.
The best sci-fi movies ever made are genre-defining and innovative classics that need no introduction, from Blade Runner to ...
It's a stoned-cold fact: Marijuana has been an integral part of some of our favorite comedies for at least 40 years. Some of the highest-caliber movies feature the highest-possible characters ...
Director Wong Kar-wai is a favorite ... all these movies deliver intense performances, emotional depths and beautiful filmmaking, cementing their place as some of the best drama films of all time.
(204 points) Rocky Balboa remains the lovable lughead of an underdog who will register with the everyman inside all of ... Sayles' movies, it features tremendous ensemble acting. 20.
As the weather turns colder and festive decorations light up neighborhoods, people are turning to their favorite ... time of year. A new analysis has revealed the 20 most Googled Christmas movies ...
Eisenhower loved movies ... Ebert to talk all things cinematic. In the interview, he followed Eisenhower’s and Reagan’s footsteps in citing “High Noon” as his favorite movie ...
Although these may not be in any particular order, Nicolas Cage’s first selection is Federico Fellini’s Juliet of the Spirits. A surreal movie about a woman who ultimately leaves her husband to find ...
Earth's mightiest heroes must come together and learn to fight as a team if they are going to stop the mischievous Loki and his alien army from enslaving humanity.