In the ancient town of Ouidah, located in southern Benin, the annual Voodoo Festival unfolds with a vibrant mix of dance, ...
Modeste Zinsou, manager of Benin's Python Temple, gently drapes a live snake around a visitor's neck at the country's annual ...
Clad in white and pink, Deborah Bossou, 25, blends vibrant song with dance as she immerses herself with fellow practitioners ...
They are cast in the role of guardians of spiritual transmission and preparation of rituals of voodoo, an animist rite founded on the powers of nature and links back to one’s ancestors.
Benin's Ouidah has celebrated its annual Voodoo Festival which has made the town a mecca for Voodoo worshippers as well as a tourist attraction.
They are cast in the role of guardians of spiritual transmission and preparation of rituals of voodoo, an animist rite founded on the powers of nature and links back to one's ancestors.