Abstract: Parallel lines, common geometric elements in daily environments, can form vanishing points in projective geometry. In this article, we introduce a novel method for the extrinsic calibration ...
Abstract: This paper focuses on the optimal scheduling of the district energy system with multiple energy supply modes and flexible loads. For multi-energy system (MES), the energy hub (EH) model ...
Abstract: Wireless sensing and communication evolved separately in the past. However, integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) unlocks a new era of mobile network capabilities, with WiFi emerging ...
Abstract: In this article, we investigate a resource allocation problem for a multiunmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) assisted integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) system, where a group of ...
Abstract: Phase retrieval (PR) is fundamentally important in scientific imaging and is crucial for nanoscale techniques like coherent diffractive imaging (CDI). Low radiation dose imaging is essential ...
Abstract: The analysis of grasping states in soft manipulators is crucial but is currently lacking in research. In this article, we propose a method for analyzing grasping states in soft manipulators.
Abstract: X-ray safety inspection machines are essential for maintaining security. In the past few years, the rapid development and widespread application of deep learning have significantly ...
Abstract: Integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) has emerged as a pivotal technology for next-generation mobile networks to embed sensing function on communication waveforms. A major challenge in ...
Abstract: Oblique-chamber pneu-net soft actuators (OC-PNSAs) exhibit helical deformation upon inflation. The symmetric oblique-chamber pneu-net soft actuator (SOC-PNSA) consists of two symmetric ...
Abstract: With the development of remote sensing technology, more and more data sources are available for landcover classification tasks, such as hyperspectral images (HSIs), light detection and ...
Abstract: Pan-sharpening requires the fusion of a low-spatial resolution multispectral image (LRMS) and a panchromatic image (PAN) with rich spatial details to obtain a high-spatial resolution ...
Abstract: It is always well believed that pre-trained vision-language foundation models (e.g., CLIP) would substantially facilitate vision-language tasks. Nevertheless, there has been less evidence in ...