"Fully half of this town's population still is certain today that it saw space ships or some strange aircraft -- hundreds of them zooming through the skies yesterday. Estimates of the number ranged ...
Chicago & Southern Airlines Capt. Jack Adams and First Officer G. W. Anderson, Jr., were flying a commercial DC-3, when they saw an object approaching the airliner at high speed. It appeared to be ...
Summary: Annotated listing of classic, recommended UFO movies and films, documentaries, and more. Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) . A grand tour of ufology, with pre-X-Files government ...
Location: Cheber River, Chaldea (in modern-day Iraq), Of all the UFO accounts in the Bible, the one mentioned most often is Ezekiel's Wheel. One of the passages reads: "This was the appearance and ...
Summary: Brief overview of the Belgium UFO Wave, from the UFO Casebook. Of all the reports of UFO sightings, some of the most intriguing ones are those which come in flaps, or waves, have multiple ...
Summary: The sighting of strange objects in the sky may actually predate the emergence of modern man. Perhaps the earliest depiction of cylindrical objects resembling spacecraft, with what might be ...
Summary: Astronaut Gordon Cooper's Message to the UN, plus an article by Timothy Green Beckley entitled "An astronaut [Gordon Cooper] speaks out". Astronaut Gordon Cooper's Message to the UN "I ...
In the late 1960's, the United States Air Force issued a contract to the University of Colorado to carry out a scientific study of evidence concerning the UFO phenomenon. The director of the project ...
Summary: What may well have been the most notorious of all "scares" involving reptilian beings, involved a combined "invasion" of pterodactylin-hominoid "Mothmen" and "Men In Black". (Here is more on ...
"We have, on one hand, the facts -- thousands of unexplained observations by reliable witnesses. They stand as a monument to the limitations of our understanding." - Jacques Vallee This is a catalog ...
This catalogue brings together many of the (Australian) cases where traces have been placed in a UFO context-even if a UFO was not reported in association with the event.
Summary: One of the most impressive daylight UFO videos ever seen was shot over Mexico City on August 6, 1997. Self-professed anyalysts and experts of various sorts weighed in with opinions on how the ...