Clothes that can mimic the feeling of being touched, touch displays that provide haptic feedback to users, or even ultralight loudspeakers. These are just some of the devices made possible using thin ...
Scientists have confirmed a neurobiochemical link between dopamine and cognitive flexibility. PET imaging shows that the brain increases dopamine production when completing cognitively demanding tasks ...
A new study found that over half of US adults experienced some form of discrimination, and individuals with high exposure to discrimination have more than five times the chances of screening positive ...
Researchers show that the immune system can recognize and control the latent stage of the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, a finding that can inform the study of latency in other infections of the nervous ...
Researchers have created a way to see your family tree as a movie rather than a still portrait by tracing where your ancestors moved across the globe over time. The statistical method can also be used ...
Cold water immersion for seven days significantly improves cellular resilience and autophagic function, helping cells manage stress better. This adaptation could enhance health and longevity, ...
Weasels are often difficult to capture on camera, making it hard for conservationists to track their population numbers. This study aimed to determine the best material to use as bait for camera traps ...
The study in the European Respiratory Journal used advanced spatial mapping techniques to compare healthy lung tissues and tissues from patients with fatal IPF. The researchers discovered that disease ...
Roughly one out of three women ages 14-49 in the United States develop a vaginal bacterial imbalance known as bacterial vaginosis (BV) during their lifetime. BV is characterized by unpleasant odors, ...
A new method significantly advances 3D imaging of reflective surfaces. The approach integrates techniques known from high-precision optical 3D metrology and computer vision, and could benefit ...
Researchers found increased meltwater and rain explain 60% of a decades-long mismatch between predicted and observed temperatures in the ocean around Antarctica.
Engineers have designed and synthesized a groundbreaking new material -- a copper-free superconducting oxide -- capable of superconducting at approximately 40 Kelvin, or about minus 233 degrees ...