The fastest growing defence-oriented firms were found to be dual-use companies offering both civilian and military wares.
The feeding, housing and care of the two pandas, plus the species protection fee, cost around 1.5 million euros a year. An ...
Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Ville Tavio decided Finland would not participate in an international ...
The first snow in the region is usually seen in late September-early October. Overnight precipitation in Lapland brought ...
The number of young people aged 15-24 out of work increased noticeably compared to the same period last year, hitting 18 ...
Finns are slightly less optimistic about the future, according to the government-sponsored Citizens' Pulse survey. While ...
The majority of the cuts will affect theatres, orchestras and museums that receive long-term government subsidies, as they ...
So far this year there have been 1,779 disruptions in satellite navigation systems affecting aviation and 145 similar ...
The finance ministry's economic forecast suggests there are reasons to be optimistic, but it says the recovery will be slow ...
Moscow has designated some 50 countries as having opposing and dangerous moral attitudes toward Russia. Russian authorities ...
The cooler weather will, however, only be temporary, according to Borgström, who said warmer air would be moving in from the ...
The government says the move will reduce barriers to hiring. Employee groups, however, argue that it will increase job market ...