Exclusive: 'The Last of Us" will be available with a special version in ASL for Deaf audiences as interpreted by 'CODA' star ...
Meat Expectations defies expectations in every way. Born out of a pioneering playwriting method that centers American Sign ...
If you're already accustomed to using Duolingo, then Lingvano is a great app to go to if you're trying to learn ASL. Like Duolingo ... We took a look at both app store reviews and opinions ...
The SpellRing can track the shape of hands, movement, and palm orientation to enable word spelling in American Sign Language (ASL) with impressive accuracy.
Daniel Durant of Oscar-winning "CODA" will perform the ASL edition with Leila Hanaumi, who gave us the "Barbie" ASL version.
Aurora Loomis is a senior at Hearthstone Charter High School, and is the first student board member on Butte County's Board ...
Geoff Herbert, a reporter and SEO lead for Syracuse.com | The Post-Standard, lifts up his award after being inducted into the ...
As a fashion and beauty writer, I've learned a few tricks for looking fabulous after a restless night. Drinking plenty of ...
Obviously this is a somewhat ludicrous (albeit delicious) plan for responding to Donald Trump’s entirely ludicrous plan for ...
"The label of being autistic has been so helpful to me because that’s helped me to understand myself," Ramsey says.
To Alexander and the rest of the children, she's the Ms. Rachel, the creator and face of the popular children's YouTube ...
Decades of dance are set to converge on Gallaudet’s campus on March 28th and 29th. “Family Reunion: Celebrating 70 Years of ...