They mostly prey on fish, Antarctic silverfish being their most frequent catch. Moreover, they also consume crustaceans, krill, and some types of squid. Emperor Penguins are immaculate divers. When ...
In the Antarctic Zone, there has been interest from time to time in the Antarctic silverfish P. antarctica. However, a fishery for this species has never developed. Should mesopelagic species be of ...
A Dec. 26, 2024, Instagram post (direct link, archive link) shows maps of purported Antarctic sea ice extent, or area, from Dec. 24, 1979, and the same day in 2024. Text above the graphic says the ...
Smaller calving events, not large icebergs, drive Antarctic ice sheet loss. Arecent study conducted by University of Florida geologists and geographers has shed new light on the effects of climate ...
Research, published in Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, suggests that mass unloading due to melting of Antarctic ice sheets (isostatic rebound) is triggering eruptions of greater frequency ...
"The data analysed shows how important it is to monitor the Antarctic regularly and over many years. Only long time series of observations allow us to distinguish between natural variability and ...
There is indirect evidence that, during the last interglacial period, about 125,000 years ago, parts of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet retreated. An ice core drilled from the ice sheet near the ...
Roughly 1,550 square miles across, the world's biggest and oldest iceberg, known as A23a, calved from the Antarctic shelf in 1986. Before its calving in 1986, the colossal iceberg hosted a Soviet ...
A Dec. 26, 2024, Instagram post shows maps of purported Antarctic sea ice extent, or area, from Dec. 24, 1979, and the same day in 2024. Text above the graphic says the extent was larger in 2024 ...
Antarctic sea ice rebounded in December after a long period of record lows, US scientists said, giving pause to speculation that Earth's frozen continent could be undergoing a permanent change ...
Iceberg A23a has been a concern for scientists since it broke away from the Antarctic ice shelf in 1986. After remaining immobile for over three decades, the iceberg finally broke free in 2020 and ...