A beloved seven-year-old harbor seal named “Slater” and a baby Chilean flamingo named “Teal” died last week from bird flu, the Lincoln Park Zoo reported Tuesday. “This is sad news for ...
I’m sure the baby in this video is going to be so well taken care of by the pack of German Shepherds in his household. And his mother has honored the first of their number in his beautiful baby ...
As bird flu virus continues to spread in people, a Chicago zoo announced this week that two of its animals had died from infection, A beloved seven-year-old harbor seal named “Slater” and a baby ...
MADERA COUNTY, Calif. (KFSN) -- A baby spider monkey has a new home after she was discovered during a DUI traffic stop in Madera County. New video from the Oakland Zoo shows the little one's ...
Orphaned Baby Seal Barks At Anyone Who Tries To Clean Her Bathtub. Source: Youtube, Uploaded: The Dodo Ili Pika was adopted by Seal Rescue Ireland when she was found stuck in an oyster trestle table.
The Great Seal of the Realm is the chief seal of the Crown, used to show the monarch's approval of important State documents. In today's constitutional monarchy, the Sovereign acts on the advice of ...
Anecdotal evidence suggests that conflicts over land and extractive resource developments are on the rise across Papua New Guinea. These micro-level conflicts have the potential to scale-up and feed ...
But then, in a narrow-minded bid to prop up our fishing industry, we go and legalize the brutal clubbing of defenseless baby harp seals. Oh, the government doesn’t phrase it that way ...