Since January, the Ocean County Health Department has inspected 597 restaurants, convenience stores and cafeterias.
A common problem noted in restaurant inspection reports is ice machine buildup. This is marked as a level three demerit, ...
Berks County is divided into three jurisdictions: Reading, Muhlenberg Township and the rest of the county. Reading and ...
La Mejor Nutricion Juice Bar at 1012 Cox ... providing soap and paper towels at the hand sink and not having sanitizer test kits. The inspector recommended that the mop sink be moved farther ...
The Tienda Tikal restaurant and grocery store were given an 88 and 83 respectively. A walk-in cooler had a leak, with liquid ...
According to Springfield-Greene County Health Department reports, the grocery store deli had three instances of dirty ...
Violations marked as priority contribute directly to the elimination, prevention or reduction in the hazards associated with foodborne illness. Priority violations include prevention of contamination, ...