The crime-thriller, inspired by real-life crime stories, follows Detective Ortega, portrayed by Brian Van Holt, Police Chief Carter played by Curtis 50 Cent Jackson, and Agent Petrovick ...
Inspired by true crime stories, the crime-thriller follows Detective Ortega, played by Brian Van Holt, Police Chief Carter played by Curtis 50 Cent Jackson, and Agent Petrovick who is played by Mel ...
Inspired by true crime stories, the crime-thriller follows Detective Ortega, played by Brian Van Holt, Police Chief Carter played by Curtis 50 Cent Jackson, and Agent Petrovick who is played by ...
The crime-thriller, inspired by real-life events, follows Detective Ortega, portrayed by Brian Van Holt, Police Chief Carter played by Curtis 50 Cent Jackson, and Agent Petrovick, brought to life ...
Other cast members in the series include Luciane Buchanan, Fola Evans-Akingbola, Sarah Desjardins, Eve Harlow, Phoenix Raei, Enrique Murciano and Hong Chau. The show’s first season reached the ...
“Brian Schottenheimer is known as a career assistant,” Jones said to ESPN. “He ain’t Brian no more. He is now known as the head coach of the Dallas Cowboys.” ...
Dez Bryant channeled his inner Beastie Boy in expressing his displeasure with the Cowboys’ promotion of offensive coordinator Brian Schottenheimer to replace departed Mike McCarthy as head coach.