Weston Cage is engaged to Jenifer Alexa Canter. “Jenifer is my first love, my only love and my last. We were born in the same hospital, and I’ve loved her since I was a teenager. She is the ...
How to make a shark attack humans inside the cage diorama / Polymer Clay / resin art ********************************************************* #diorama #PolymerClay #EpoxyResin #sharkdiorama The story ...
With his controversial exhibition, “And Now You Care,” artist Marco Evaristti is hoping to shed light on the cruelty of ...
An artist in Denmark aims to raise awareness of the suffering caused by modern pig production with an art installation that ...
Three piglets which were being allowed to starve as part of a controversial art exhibition in Denmark that had drawn ...
Weston Cage's mother Christina Fulton spoke out about his engagement to Jenifer Alexa Canter - almost one year after he allegedly assaulted her.
An artist in Denmark is seeking to raise awareness of the suffering caused by modern pig production with an art installation that includes three piglets starving to death ...
Three piglets which were being allowed to starve as part of a controversial art exhibition in Denmark that had drawn international attention have been stolen, the artist said on Wednesday.
Lush primeval works by Josh Cabello and deeply psychological paintings by Ross Collado were standouts at The Other Art Fair.
Episode 1 Moment of Truth Luke Cage Series Premiere Recap: The Blacker the Berry “Moment of Truth” evokes the history of black art, black power, and black politics. Episode 13 They Reminisce ...