At Mayor Bill Keeler’s State of the City on Tuesday, he emphasized the city’s firm finances and his commitment to public ...
It’s likely that most people know “A Few Good Men” based on the 1992 film. It was a blockbuster hit that starred Jack ...
Creative License at Cohoes Music Hall is staging bold revival of "A Few Good Men," a drama made famous by the movie with Jack Nicholson and Tom Cruise ...
Friday night at Cohoes Music Hall, Creative License offers “A Few Good Men,” for two weekends. It has a cast of 16, all with impeccable theater credits. The Nicholson role of Marine Col.
One way I like to judge the theater offerings of a specific month is to think of it as being a single season of work at a single location. If a company put the group of plays on their schedule, would ...
Cohoes Mayor Bill Keeler has delivered his fifth annual State of the City address. Keeler gave his address at Tuesday’s ...
The People’s Music Hall of Fame was co-founded by Adam Reader, know as “ The Professor of Rock ,” and Chapman, who founded The Sound House. Also on the board of founders is Brandon Fugal, entrepreneur ...
Audiences pack the halls for Arizona Opera, Tucson Symphony and Southern Arizona Symphony; organizers say it's the biggest ...