0:51 Ontario election: Moment Doug Ford, PC party campaign HQ watches election call He noted that the Progressive Conservatives were probably not anticipating a pick-up of any seats in the downtow ...
Despite a rare third consecutive majority victory Thursday, Progressive Conservative sources said Ford was “disappointed” his party failed to take even more seats.
Instead, Kernaghan beat Pribil, a city council rookie who took a leave to run for a Queen’s Park seat, by roughly the ... “recognized that Premier Ford and the premier’s office are under ...
Results as of just before midnight, with almost all polls reporting, showed Mr. Ford leading or elected in 80 of the legislature’s 124 seats. His PC Party had 79 seats at Queen’s Park when he ...
Despite Ford kicking off the campaign by saying he needed the "largest mandate in Ontario's history" in order to deal with four years of a Trump presidency, the Progressive Conservatives were returned ...