An intake officer reassured her the booking photo without her hijab would not be shared publicly, according to the complaint.
A Tennessee sheriff’s office published a photo of a Muslim woman without her hijab, now they will pay ... The right to practice religion and wear religious attire is protected by the First ...
Layla Soliz sued Knox County and the sheriff after a mugshot showing her without her religious headscarf was shared publicly.
Assemblymember Hanadi Nadeem, D-Las Vegas, encountered a surprise during her campaign for the Nevada Legislature last year ...
Men are much more accepting when I don’t wear hijab now.” Her friend ... is a professor at Tarbiat Modares University, where her office in a campus tower commands a spectacular view of ...
ERIN (17A: "The Office" receptionist who didn't understand planking ... Ilhan OMAR was the first woman to wear a HIJAB on the ...