Discover all you need to know about growing hydrangeas, including care tips, when to prune, and the best way to propagate for ...
Hydrangeas shouldn't be forgotten during winter if you want them to look "spectacular" come spring and summer.
Uncovering tips for sculpting hydrangea paniculata, he said: "Today's I'm going to show you how to prune and get masses of flowers on your panicle hydrangeas, or as you may know them, hydrangea ...
Ben unveils tips for sculpting hydrangea paniculata - a favourite among the species - saying: "Today I'm going to show you how to prune and get masses of flowers on your panicle hydrangeas ...
Improving the soil means adding organic matter such as compost that will act like a sponge to hold more moisture. But you can ...
Hydrangeas, with their variety of shapes from circular balls to stunning cones, are hardy plants that can withstand the winter chill and even a freeze. Despite this resilience, the cold season ...
Some plants are simply a match made in heaven and the pairing of 'Limelight' hydrangeas (Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight ... alliums are one of a variety of flowers you'll adore if you love ...
macrophylla and H. paniculata, but most flower better in cooler weather. Hydrangeas are usually grown from nursery plants for the quickest flowering. They are available in the fall for an early ...
where the showy coloured petals form a ring around a cluster of tiny flowers in the centre. Hydrangea paniculata, which is native to China and Japan, produces large panicles of flowers on a robust ...
Q I saw this buried in snow around a tree stump near Little Rock recently (see reader's photo). Can you identify what type? I ...
If dragging a hose around in the summer makes you weary or if your water bill soaks you in guilt it is time to tame the thirsty monsters in your garden with better soil and the magic of mulching.