As a popular anime series, My Hero Academia also boasts a collection of truly brilliant and memorable openings.
Yuto Suzuki, the mangaka of Sakamoto Days, recently illustrated Red Haired Shanks from One Piece. Sakamoto Days, a popular ...
Three films share the joint honor of being the most Oscar nominated movies of all time. The record is 14 nominations, which ...
Japan's century-old Mingei, or folk art, movement celebrates the everyday work of anonymous artists. It stands in contrast to both fine arts and industrially mass-produced goods. And it's having a yet ...
Within the first five minutes of “Inheritance,” Maya (Phoebe Dynevor) has stolen a bottle of tequila, gone home with a stranger from a rave and dangled her legs out his ...
Japan has a wealth of region-locked games that have pushed boundaries, but many of these titles never made it to the West.
Robes are often the go-to gift when you’re at a loss for what to give. But when it’s the ultra-plush Siren Basics Bunny Robe, ...