Yet, in both Christianity and Buddhism, the body of the founder emerged, centuries after their death, as the privileged focus ...
Roman historian Tacitus' ancient manuscripts called Annals have surfaced online. They discuss the persecution of Christians ...
Jesus seeks out people in their woundedness and isolation to offer healing and hope, even when they feel furthest from God, ...
This is Chaplain Harry, chaplain with the Disabled American Veterans sharing some thoughts on what happened from the cross to the throne. We start by reading from John 1:1, where ...
April—time of showers and spring flowers, all manner of leavened breads and the complete absence thereof.
I am the bread of life: he that cometh to Me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on Me shall never thirst.” This Sunday ...
NEWARK, N.J. — The last time that BYU was in the Sweet 16, BYU guard Egor Demin was a 5-year-old child in Moscow, Russia.
Archbishop Hebda said that the word for humility comes from the Latin word “humus,” for earth or ground. To him, there’s an immediate connection between humility and the spreading of the ashes on Ash ...
Every year, when Lent arrives, my heart fills with vivid memories of Guatemala. Now that I live in Minnesota, I appreciate ...
There are four gospels because four men wrote their accounts of the person and ministry of Jesus Christ. All four knew Christ ...
Holy Week is an annual Christian commemoration that remembers the Passion of Christ: his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the ...
When Jesus hung on the cross, He wasn’t just dying for a nameless crowd—He was thinking of you. His sacrifice wasn’t some ...