Considered messengers of the gods, the macaques are now made to wear costumes, do backflips ... time to line up at the amphitheater, where a woman named Yuria Suzuki and her faithful primate ...
Japan is home to amazing cultural events – so plan your trip around these Japanese celebrations in Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka and ...
Participants are usually dressed in bright, traditional costumes, and there are also six ... These colourful floats, inspired by traditional kabuki or mythical Japanese stories, are lit up during ...
Costume designer Estelle Don Banda tells IndieWire about why single costumes in 'On Becoming a Guinea Fowl' had to stand out.
The first scene of “Opus,” A24’s newest horror-thriller satirizing the media industry and pop culture fandom, opens in a drab ...
The latest “Shogun” has received rave reviews for achieving an elevated sense of authenticity, starting from meticulously crafted sets to gorgeous costumes to the cast’s outstanding ...
Those familiar with Wilson’s work (he’s probably best known for co-creating the groundbreaking opera Einstein on the Beach with Philip Glass), will immediately recognise his numerous calling cards — ...
As a teenager he was drawn to Buddhism. For a year he studied under a Tibetan lama and says that at one time he contemplated becoming a monk, “until my teacher told me I wasn’t born to be one ...
They have done activities such as making an alien costume and participating in events inside and outside of the city, as well as teaming up with a confectionery store to sell “UFO Dorayaki” sweets.
The OriHime was remotely operated by Sae, a woman in Saitama Prefecture ... and Mutsukin played characters who pretended to be jizo Buddha statues in traditional costumes. By Ryuzo Suzuki / Yomiuri ...