On February 29, 1984, a small town in East Germany witnessed a train disaster hidden by thick fog. Workers at the station never saw it coming. One moment, silence—then, a deafening crash. This is the ...
A new premier in France and soon in Canada, a new coalition in Austria, new presidents in Georgia and Moldova despite ...
The process of industrialization, globalization and urbanization—spreading out from urban centers into the countryside—is one ...
POLITICO has processed 35 years’ worth of election data to find out why this month’s vote is messier than ever ― and what will happen next.
Germany was reunified on 1989 under western conditions. The experiences of its eastern half were not valued, creating fertile ...
Matthias Lilienthal will take over running the Berlin playhouse, which has been lurching from crisis to crisis for years.
As of Monday night, when users in the US search for "Gulf of Mexico" in Google Maps, they are presented with a result for ...
Gulf of America” is now officially on a U.S. database of geographic names after President Donald Trump issued an executive ...
The Haus des Lehrers and the Congress Hall on Berlin's Alexanderplatz are prestige buildings of the GDR. Behind the listed ...
People located in Mexico will still see the name Gulf of Mexico, while international users will see both names, the company ...