Using genes borrowed from bacteria, researchers have demonstrated fish and flies can be engineered to break down methylmercury and remove it from their bodies as a less harmful gas, offering new ways ...
The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality air quality permit was issued for Copper World, an open-pit mine complex that ...
“The air pollution caused by unrelenting truck traffic will threaten the world-class environmental studies at the Santa Rita Experimental Range and create a public nuisance that must be abated.” ...
Most of the world's population is exposed to polluted air and or those living in cities with chronically bad air, the smog ...
New mining strategies:New Ariz. mines unearth new conflicts: Resist climate change or protect fragile landscapes? The mine “threatens to release hundreds of tons of toxic air pollution every ...
Mining industry leadership organisation ICMM and the International Network for Acid Prevention (INAP) have unveiled a tool to help reduce and prevent water pollution ... exposed to air and water ...
Environmental and community groups have appealed the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality’s decision to grant an air ...
January, but, unfortunately, failed to reach orbit—even if the first-stage booster did safely return to the welcoming arms of ...