"A century ago, much of northern America was known as the goiter belt," said The Economist. A lack of natural iodine in the ...
The Peak Performance Raw Whole Food Iodine Supplement from Kelp is a game-changer for those who are looking for a natural and effective way to support their thyroid function and overall health.
But it can't make it on its own. Instead, you need to get enough iodine through the foods you eat. A wide variety of foods such as fish, seaweed, and dairy products, all contain iodine.
Milk, to my surprise, is a natural source of iodine, as are egg yolks. Darn. According to the latest (2020) USDA database on the iodine content of foods, the highest amount of iodine, by far, is in ...
Overall, the WHO estimates that iodine deficiency—one of the world’s most common nutritional gaps—affects around 2bn people ...
Iodine deficiency occurs when the soil is poor in iodine, causing a low concentration in food products and insufficient iodine intake in the population. In India, it is estimated that more than ...
A lack of natural iodine in the soil and water ... Alternatives like sea salt or pink Himalayan salt tend not to contain iodine. Processed foods – the source of an ever-increasing majority ...
In 1922, a Michigan paediatrics professor recommended the ionisation of salt: a "near-ubiquitous food product that would quickly reach a large percentage of the population". (Adding iodine to ...