If you're looking at flowers, houseplants, landscaping, and edible gardening trends for 2025, then you may want to consider ...
Keystone plants and trees like the Coast Live Oak and California lilac are key players in the health of your garden.
Almond trees might not be your first thought when looking for plants to grow in containers, but these spring-blooming trees ...
Pink flowering trees create a focal point in the garden, offering outstanding color and eye-catching blooms. These trees also ...
As we slowly make out way through winter, gardeners are being warned to remain vigilant this month for certain pests and ...
Here are some very important things to consider before (choosing) and planting a new tree, especially large trees such as ...
In a study, researchers have successfully identified and characterized 185 YTH genes across twelve species in the Rosaceae ...
Other plants popular in gardens like old man’s beard ( Clematis vitalba), pampas grass ( Cortaderia selloana) and Himalayan ...
Peaches and nectarines are both part of the species Prunus persica, which is a deciduous tree that was first cultivated in ...
perennial plants, and 100 metres of instant hedging have been sourced, ready for planting over the winter. "These include various multi-stemmed specimen trees, including Tibetan cherry trees (Prunus ...
Bare-root fruit trees are generally cheaper to buy than potted trees, and the time to buy and plant them is from November to March. When planting them, good soil preparation is vital, especially if ...