Colonialism Reparation welcomes that the African Union has decided to calls for justice for Africans and people of African descent through reparations by officially proclaiming its position and calls ...
It stressed the need for a response that ensures justice, redress for the victim, and measures to prevent such incidents in the future ...
Exploring the historical misuse of debt as a tool for political control, this article delves into how Zimbabwe's current debt ...
A coalition of Iranian and international human rights organizations, joined by UNPO, has issued a joint letter urging UN ...
CODEPINK is a feminist grassroots organization working to end U.S. wars and militarism, support peace and human rights ...
This photo gallery, curated by photo editor Eloy Martin, highlights some of the most compelling images worldwide made or ...
Japan’s decision to end its contribution to the U.N.’s top gender equality body could hardly come at a worse time, both ...