Hovering on the cusp of great things since the middle of the last century, spintronic semiconductor technology remained in limbo as it was not able to surpass conventional electronics. That all ...
Magnetic materials are typically divided into ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic types, depending on their magnetic moments (electron spins), resulting in either macroscopic (net) magnetism or not.
Spintronics is the use of a fundamental property of particles known as spin for information processing. In many ways, spintronics is analogous to electronics, which instead uses the electrical ...
What is a Spin Valve? A spin valve is a device that exploits the spin-dependent electron transport properties of ferromagnetic materials to control the flow of electrons. It consists of two ...
A new technical paper titled “Sputtered L1 0-FePd and its Synthetic Antiferromagnet on Si/SiO2 Wafers for Scalable Spintronics” was published by researchers at University of Minnesota and NIST, with ...