The Department for Work and Pensions ( DWP) has also confirmed that Attendance Allowance - a benefit available to those who ...
A successful new claim for Pension Credit can unlock access to Winter Fuel Payments, help with housing costs and Council Tax.
The maximum number of Pension Credit questions to be answered online is 48, but claims can be completed in 35.
Older people providing care during term-time or school holidays for children under the age of 12 may be able to boost State Pension payments by more than £6,000 over a typical 20-year retirement ...
The PFRDA has notified the Unified Pension Scheme for central and state government employees. We explain all you need to know — from the date, eligibility, enrollment forms, and more.
Call the pension service claim line on 0800 731 7898 to get a state pension claim form posted to you. Claiming by post will take the longest. 2. Fill in a claim form 3. Return it by post You will ...
Across the board, HMRC has already identified over 5,300 cases of underpayment, resulting in total underpayments nearing £42 ...
So, if you were to pass away and your wife was receiving less than the current maximum basic state pension of £169.50 per ...
Parents rushing to meet a crucial deadline to top up their state pension National Insurance record could be wasting their ...
MoneyMagpie Editor and financial expert Vicky Parry warns readers not to miss out on tax-free allowances before April ...
Some of the poorest pensioners will receive an extra £465 a year from next month after the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) confirmed that pension age going up by the triple lock figure of 4.4 ...
THE deadline is fast approaching for millions of savers to boost their state pension.  Those seeking to lift their retirement ...